Research & Education Services

  • TV Testing

    Striking the right balance between entertainment and education in preschool content is everything! As a researcher for hit shows like Daniel Tiger & Sesame Street, Erica designs protocols and interview questions to evaluate content with kids. She translates research data into actionable recommendations to improve comprehension, interactivity, and appeal.

  • Usability Testing

    There are a LOT of steps in any production pipeline and app testing is no different! Seeing HOW kids interact with products helps creators know when to pivot or move forward and is a great gut check that can be done early and often. From research recruitment to test flight builds, Erica helps beta test experiences with kids and families.

  • Formative Evaluation

    What’s working well? What’s missing the mark? Using a wide range of research methodologies tailored for each specific project, Erica works with clients to improve workshops, classes, museum exhibits, and more.